Sustainability and Certifications

TePe policies support our sustainability work and guarantee high-quality production and safe working conditions across the supply chain. We secure customer satisfaction and improvement through systematic environmental and quality efforts according to ISO 14001 and ISO 9001.

The International Organization of Standardization (ISO) are standards that are internationally agreed by experts. It could be about making a product, managing a process, delivering a service, or supplying materials—standards cover a huge range of activities.

TePe’s Quality policy prescribes the way we work to meet the expectations of our customers and stake­holders, including continuous improvements with the aim to be a leader in our field.

TePe’s Environmental policy refers to our goal of including environmental matters in all aspects of our production.

TePe’s Sustainability policy covers the whole TePe Group and includes guidelines on business ethics, conflict of interest, confidentiality, gift/bribe/corruption, representation, responsibility and whistleblowing, production, supply, transport and energy and code of conduct.

TePe’s Code of Conduct is founded on TePe being run with good business ethics based on transparency, responsibility and dedication, following UN Global Compact principles.

In addition, local policies regulating the work environment, visitors, crisis and communication guide our daily work.

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ISO - Standards


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